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Adding services

Let's analyze the creation of a new Bitcoin service, which will receive information from an external API.

1. Create interface

The first step is to designate the service interaction interface. It is necessary to define additional properties:

export interface BitcoinService extends BaseService {
  options?: {
    code: string
    interval?: number

2. Create component

  <ServiceBase v-bind="props">
    <template #title>
      {{ $('service.bitcoin.title', { code: options.code }) }}
    <template #description>
      {{ $('service.bitcoin.description', { rate: data?.rate || '0' }) }}

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BitcoinService } from '~/types'

const props = defineProps<BitcoinService>()
const { data, pauseUpdate } = useServiceData<BitcoinService, { rate: string }>(props, {
  updateInterval: props?.options?.interval


3. Writing translations

If static text is used in the component, it should be placed in a translation file. It is required to add en-US.json translations, the rest are optional.

  "service": {
    "bitcoin": { 
      "title": "Code {code}", 
      "description": "Rate {rate}"

Translations are based on vue-i18n. Absolutely all features are available.

4. Data retrieval

import type { BitcoinService } from '~/types'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event): Promise<{ rate: string }> => {
  const service = await getService<BitcoinService>(event)

  try {
    const data = await $fetch('', {
      parseResponse: (text) => JSON.parse(text)

    return {
      rate: data.bpi[service.option.code].rate
  } catch (e) {

  return {
    rate: '-'

5. Updating documentation

Don't forget to add the service to the documentation so that other users are aware and can use it.

To do this, create files:

  • docs/services/
  • docs/{lang}/services/ - can be left empty

Creating theme

1. Adding CSS variables

css {
    --fg: 67 52 34;
    --fg-dimmed: 80 66 49;
    --background: 241 231 208;

2. Adding to Config

export interface Config {
  title?: string
  lang: 'en' | 'ru'
  theme?: 'system' | 'light' | 'dark' | 'deep' | 'new-theme'
  services: ServicesGroup[]
  checkUpdates: boolean

3. Updating documentation

Don't forget to add new-theme to the documentation so that other users are aware of your theme.

To do this, find the theme section in all translations and add the new-theme parameter:

  • docs/reference/
  • docs/{lang}/reference/

Writing translations

1. Creating a new language file

Create a new file in the locales folder. We recommend to copy locales/en-US.json and make translation based on it.

2. File connection

After creating the language file, you need to plug it into nuxt.config.ts

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  i18n: {
    locales: [
        code: 'en', 
        iso: 'en-US', 
        name: 'English', 
        file: 'en-US.json', 

3. Updating documentation

Don't forget to add the new language to the documentation so that other users are aware of the translation.

To do this, find the language section in all translations and add a new parameter:

  • docs/reference/
  • docs/{lang}/reference/

Updating dependencies

This is not necessary. The project has Dependabot, which scans for new dependencies once a week. But if you still have such a need, run the yarn upgrade command. After that, check everything that has been updated.

Once you are sure that the application works, create a new pull request.